Daily Life · parenting

Please Slow Down Growing Up…

Isn’t it funny how as parents we are torn between wanting our kids to grow up and at the same time stay little for as log as possible? We can’t wait for them to start sitting up, walk and talk – and praise the day they can use a toilet by themselves! But we soon wish for these days back when you step back and realise how fast time is going.

On Friday, Lily had her last day in Year 1. It doesn’t seem possible that she’s been at her school for 2 years already. I remember having the discussion with Martin as to what our school choices would be, and what we’d do if she didn’t get any of them – thankfully we got our first choice so no worries there – and now we’ll soon be entering the last year of KS1… As Lily’s school has a double-intake (meaning there are two classes for each year) they mix the children up every year when they start a new year group. On the one hand I can understand the sense behind this, but on the other I find it slightly harsh to break up friendships each year like that. Lily didn’t seem too fussed about it, I think I was more upset for her! The school were really good about it and the kids had 4 mornings with their new class and teacher before they broke up, so at least it won’t be a shock to the system when they go back in September.

We received her school report back last week too, and it was pretty darn good! All we ask of Lily at school is that she tries her best, and that’s exactly what she does. Her report was glowing with praise for her as to what a delight she is to both friends and staff, and how she is either at expected standards or above in all subject areas. She even scored full marks on the year 1 phonics test which she was really worried about! Her only downfall is perseverance when things get tricky or hard – but I believe that is more down to the fact she is afraid to get things wrong, something we will be encouraging her to understand that it’s okay to get it wrong sometimes!


In this year alone I’ve watched Lily break out more and more from her shell, start to take a stand for what she thinks is right and gain a typical attitude all young girls get! I’ve also seen her become braver and try new things like Beavers, which she loves going to now, and she’s moved up another class in swimming! Her confidence in both herself and her surroundings has just rocketed up, and it’s truly a beautiful yet saddening experience to witness. Beautiful because nothing beats watching your child blossom and grow, but saddening because they are growing up, learning fast and getting one step closer to no longer needing your help. And to think, in 2 months time she’ll be seven…

Along with Lily thriving, William is now 18 months old and also kicking butt at the world. He watches everything (literally, everything) Lily does and tries to copy. Unfortunately this includes climbing on brick walls and walking across them. Luckily, he’s too short to actually get up, but he does try and 10/10 it ends in a paddy because I’ve pulled him away from it. He’s started to swing under bike lock ups like Lily does, and pick a flower on the way home from school like she does. I couldn’t have asked for a better older sibling for William. Lily has taken him in her stride and is mini-mum to him (which is actually really cute to watch.) She’ll help him with anything, play with him, and tell him off when he’s being naughty or is up to something he shouldn’t be!! – She’ll even pop his shoes and coat on when we’re going out. – Just more examples of how grown up Lily’s getting. *slight sob*

William has always been a chatty/babbly baby, but we’re now starting to get coherent words and his understanding of what we’re saying to him has really excelled this past month or so! He can say “dada” and occasionally “mum” when he feels like it, “Lily” – more like “yee-yee” but close enough! “buh-bye” (his favourite,) “car,” “uh-oh,” and “iya” (minus the H.) I know for some this isn’t a lot, but it’s progress for us and every time he says a word it makes me so happy! Even if he hasn’t a vast vocabulary yet, he can understand a lot more. Only today I asked, “William, are you a cutie?” and he nodded his head. This then entailed me to ask more questions and he was nodding and shaking his head. Whether he fully understood the question or not, he understood enough to give a yes or no answer! He also tries to join in with nursery rhyme actions, such as Wind the Bobbin Up, Row Row your Boat, and The Turtle Song.

I’ve also been teaching him to put his rubbish in the bin, which he thinks is better than anything he’s ever done before (simple things…) and he’s taken an interest in trying to feed himself. It’s messy and quite honestly, a little painful to watch – but he won’t have any help with it *sigh.* We’ve also had a bit of a rough time with teething this month, I naturally assumed it was his back molars coming in, but we discovered today it’s actually both of his top canines coming through!


It’s truly amazing just how much my children are learning and growing every day, and I honestly feel so privileged to be able to watch it first hand. It also fascinates me watching them at different ages and how their worlds collide and divide.

So, my darling children, please slow down growing up.

Becky x

The Pramshed

37 thoughts on “Please Slow Down Growing Up…

  1. awww they sound like a right adorable pair! Ben has all of a sudden become such a little boy and I struggle to see any baby in him anymore! Its heartbreaking but so lovely to watch them blossom isnt it?!?
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am constantly telling my three to stop growing, when did my babies suddenly become these independent smart people! your children seem adorable! time is a horrible yet wonderful thing xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m feeling very similar. Jack is starting Nursery in September and whilst I know he will love it, i don’t know what i’m going to do with myself. I look at him and think how quickly the time has gone and just wish it would slow down

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Make the most of every single moment because they do go past in a flash. My eldest at 18 has just finished school and looking through his memory box that I have collated over the years, some of the landmarks seem like only yesterday and it is difficult to think it is all over or at least the schooling stage. #TriumphantTales

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a lovely post! It’s great that Lily is becoming more confident, I bet you’re very proud. I’m coming up 18 now, and my mum keeps saying how she wished I was small again! It must be something every parent goes through. I wouldn’t know, of course 😂 Great post x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Aw they sound like a wonderful pair! Children do grow up too quickly, you never quite understand what that means when other’s tell you that, and then suddenly, one day, you look at your kids and think “where did the time go?” Mine is starting Year R in September – how is my baby starting school in a month?! Ray x #ThatFridayLinky

    Liked by 1 person

  7. awww this is so sweet, I always feel torn between wanting my baby to grow and reach all these amazing milestones in his life and wanting him to stay a little baby a little longer #blogstravaganza

    Liked by 1 person

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